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First Reconciliation


“If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins
and cleanse us from every wrongdoing”

~1 John 1:9~

What Is Reconciliation?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation also known as Confession or Penance, is a gift from our loving Father and was instituted by Christ through His death on the Cross. In this healing sacrament, we examine our conscience, repent of our sins with sincere contrition, confess them, and receive a penance and absolution from a priest.  Through Reconciliation the priest, as God’s agent forgives sins and reconciles us with God and the Church “washing us clean,” and renewing us in Christ.

In Reconciliation classes, and in conjunction with parents as first teachers, students are taught about the great love of God for each of us, especially the belief that Jesus, true God who became true man like us in all things but sin, suffered, died and rose to forgive our sins and grant us salvation. Children learn to distinguish right from wrong, the meaning of the Commandments, and the nature of sin, mortal and venial, as their moral conscience develops. We work to model and instill in children the ability to live out their baptism through prayer, worship, good works, and obedience to God’s commandments. They are invited to experience His abundant love and mercy!

Eligibility for Reconciliation Preparation Classes:

  • Baptized Catholic

  • Student is at least 7 years old and younger than 15

  • Copy of child’s Birth Certificate

  • Copy of child’s Baptismal Certificate

  • Has a sincere desire to receive the sacrament

  • Completion of the necessary registration forms and payment of fees


Summary of Reconciliation Preparation

  • Consistent attendance at Reconciliation Classes 

  • Learn all age-appropriate prayers

  • Student/parent attend both a kick-off and a year-end retreat

  • Students will be interviewed and tested near the end of class to assess their readiness for receiving Reconciliation.


If you are looking for regular confession times, you can visit out homepage or click here

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