
“Jesus answered, 'Amen, amen I say to you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.”
~John 3:5~
What Is Baptism?
Through the waters of baptism, we are invited into an encounter with God that cleanses us from sin and conforms us to the Body of Christ. We become God’s adopted children sharing in His divine life and are called to share in the prophetic, kingly, and priestly mission of Christ. The sacrament of baptism imparts on the baptized the theological virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit sealing the candidate with an indelible character thereby forever uniting the baptized to Christ.
Godparents, also called sponsors, play a vital role in the life of a baptized person. The godparent makes a profession of faith promising the person being baptized: encouragement in spiritual growth, aid in the fulfillment of baptismal promises and to stand as an example of an adult with maturity in the faith.
Godparents/Sponsors must be at least sixteen (16) years of age
Have the ability and intention to fulfill the role of Godparent
Lead a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith (including Marriage) and the role to be undertaken
Must have all their sacraments – Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. A copy of the Confirmation certificate is required prior to the Baptism class.
Can be single or married.
If married, marriage must be validated in the Catholic Church and sponsor must be living with said
spouse. (A marriage is not considered to be a valid marriage if the person is married civilly or is in a
common law marriage.) -
Proof of marriage is required. Proof of marriage must be a certificate issued by the Catholic Church of
marriage. A civil marriage license is not valid proof of a Catholic marriage. -
If single, sponsor cannot be living in a spousal type relationship without the benefit of a validated
marriage by the Catholic Church.
May not be the child’s parent
The following are required:
Copy of child’s Birth Certificate
Parents must be registered members of St. Ambrose Parish.
One or both parents must have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
One or both parents has a sincere desire to raise the child in the Catholic Faith.
Completion of the necessary registration forms and payment of fees
Summary of Baptism Preparation
Registration for baptism must be completed at least one week prior to the date of the pre-baptism class.
Parents and godparents are required to take a pre-baptismal preparation class, usually held the Thursday before the Sunday of baptism.
Baptisms are held the third Sunday of each month.
For information on adult baptism please refer to the OCIA page