
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
~1 Corinthians 13:4–8a~
In an effort to make your wedding as stress free as possible, we ask that you please follow these important guidelines.
Arrangements for your wedding SHOULD be made 6 months minimum, to one year prior to your anticipated wedding date.
Either the bride or the groom must live in the area of the parish, or be registered parishioners of St. Ambrose Church. They must contact the parish at least 6 months before the date set for the wedding. No Sunday Weddings are Permitted.
For Catholics, both the bride and groom will need to provide an updated baptismal certificate; issued within the past 6 months. Copies of First Communion and Confirmation certificates are also required.
In the Diocese of Tucson, Catholics should be married with a Nuptial Blessing at Mass. Hence the hour of your wedding must be at a time at which Mass can be celebrated. Weekday evening weddings are permitted at 6:30 PM, or earlier in the day. On Saturdays, the Mass will be no later than 1 PM. All marriage dates are contingent upon the completion of the marriage preparation and the freedom of the couple under Canon Law to be married.
Bridal & Attendant Dress Code — The wedding will be taking place in a place of worship and a House of God. All dresses/attire will be respectful of this fact, therefore, MODEST. NO sleeveless or backless dresses. NO plunging necklines or dresses with hemlines too far above the knees will be permitted.
Flowers — For any flowers/arrangements you desire for your wedding, you must make your own arrangements with the florist of your choice. Any color or theme out of the usual wedding motif must be cleared by the pastor.
Stipend/Fee — A stipend/fee of $500 to help defray the costs of utilities, maintenance and supplies, PLUS a $250 REFUNDABLE deposit is required for all weddings. All fees MUST be paid in advance to secure your requested date on the calendar. (Your $250 deposit will be returned to you ONLY if the church is left clean and in good order).
Music — The parish does not provide music for weddings. This is the responsibility of the couple. A list is maintained at the parish of those who play and sing at weddings. You may obtain names and numbers by calling the parish office. Any music played or sung at the wedding must be of a religious nature. Any questions concerning the appropriateness of either the music or the words of any song must be addressed to the pastor. The parish maintains a keyboard and sound system. Those who wish to use them must be qualified to handle such equipment.
Photography/Videotaping — If you desire the services of a photographer or videographer, you must select your own. The photographer/videographer should check with the priest before the Mass. They will not be allowed into the sanctuary during the Mass.
Rehearsal—The rehearsal usually takes place a day or two before the scheduled wedding date. All members of the bridal party need to be at the rehearsal and MUST BE ON TIME.
License — It is the responsibility of the bride and groom to obtain the marriage license. This must be an Arizona Marriage License, which may be obtained from the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of any Arizona County. If no Marriage License is presented to the priest, the wedding will not be performed. (This does not apply for Con-validations.)
Confession — To receive any of the Sacraments of the Church, one needs to be in a state of grace. It will be necessary for the bride and groom to make a thorough and complete confession prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. This should be done prior to the wedding date. The bridal party should also make an effort to confess their sins so as to be ready to receive Holy Communion for your intentions.
Visiting Priests — Permission of the Pastor is needed for any priest or deacon not assigned to the parish to witness a marriage. If the priest or deacon is in good standing in this diocese, then he will be responsible for the preparation of the couple. Any priest or deacon from outside our diocese and approved by the pastor must also obtain permission of the diocese to witness the marriage. The visiting priest is expected to make all the preparations including classes, paperwork and rehearsals.
The Liturgy —The “New Rite of Marriage” will be used. All options chosen will be in cooperation with the celebrant; this includes music and songs.
Children — Respecting the necessary intention to have children, the couple must attend and complete a course in Natural Family Planning offered here in Tucson at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Please call 721-2867 for more information.
Marriage Preparation Classes — Attendance by the couple at either an Engaged Encounter or Marriage Preparation Classes is required by diocesan policy.
General rules concerning the use of the Church — NO RICE, BIRDSEED, FLOWER PETALS, BUBBLES, OR ANY OBJECT OR ITEM THAT MAY BE THROWN, EITHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE CHURCH MAY BE USED. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. No type of tape may be used on any of the pews. Hangers may be used, but bows are recommended. If a wedding is to take place during Lent or Advent, the decorating of the church must be appropriately subdued. With the exception of the Unity Candle (if used), no candle may be used in the church other than those provided in the celebration of parish liturgies. During all practices and wedding photo sessions, the church must be treated with respect. If pictures are to be taken, the person taking them must consult with the priest who is celebrating the wedding Mass. Only the bride and groom along with the witnesses will be permitted in the sanctuary during the signing of the license.